Setting SMART goals for fitness success!

Most of us know the saying that goes, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”, yet so many of us still fail to plan.

Friend, let me be honest with you…

You won’t reach your desired fitness goal(s) by accident.

You have to be intentional.

You don’t just need goals; you need SMART goals.

You need your goals to be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic/relevant and time-bound.

Setting SMART goals gives you the beginnings of a plan. Setting SMART goals will help you to know what actions to take next and narrows down the specific types of exercises you’ll need.

It’s fantastic that you want to “get fit(ter)” but unless you can say specifically how much weight you want to (or need to) lose and/or which component(s) of fitness you want to target, you won’t have a clear direction and you’ll essentially be shooting in the dark hoping to get somewhere that you never actually aimed for.

You need your goals to be measurable otherwise how will you truly know if you’re “fitter”? You need to define the new actions you’re going to take to “achieve” your new fitness, and you want to make sure your goals are relevant to you otherwise you won’t be motivated to endure the process — because trying to build a new level of fitness is a process.

Last but not least, you need to make sure that the goal(s) you’ve set are realistic considering the time frame you’ve opted for. Again, it’s great that you want to lose 15kg, but is it really realistic to only give yourself a month to do this? No. It’s important to set well-informed, educated goals that allow you to build and sustain a new lifestyle as opposed to flash in the pan fitness success. This kind of unsustainable change is likely to cause you to revert to a worse-off place once your body realises it can’t keep up this shocking new momentum!

Now, if you know me by now, I’m not just going to tell you what you need and not give you the tools and knowledge to implement what I’ve outlined. I want to see you win in 2022 (and beyond), so I’ve created a FREE Smart Goals Guide to help you create your fitness goals.

This guide literally takes you through SMART goal setting step by step. I’ve broken it up into 5 days so you can do it as part of THE SMART GOALS CHALLENGE. However, if you missed the live challenge, you can still complete it in your own time. I’ve also left links to all the resources you’ll need in the guide, and I also created a video tutorial that you can watch at your own leisure HERE.

Once again, I hope this guide will help you set SMART goals that will put you on your path to fitness success (whatever that looks like for you!)

If you enjoyed this post, please leave a comment below and/or share it with a friend.

Ready to take action on your goals? Train with me.

Torema xXx


About The Author: Torema Thompson is an England international sprinter, published author, qualified level 3 personal trainer, and licensed UKA speed athletics coach. Through her personal platform, she creatively shares her journey on track, whilst simultaneously encouraging others in their athletics & fitness.


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